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Our publishing As the world's largest publishing company, our editorial judgements – whether it's the comment and analysis in our newspapers and online or the authors and stories that we publish – can have a big impact. Editorial independence is a central part of our culture and we separate editorial and commercial decisions.
We are proud that Penguin has long been a champion of free speech and that its founding mission was to make literature more widely available. This goes back beyond the 1960s when Penguin published the first unabridged version of Lady Chatterley's Lover and continues today. The Financial Times has an equally strong reputation for incisive and objective news reporting and analysis.

Our newspapers and online sites are an important channel for helping to shape the debate on key social issues and have been publishing indices of corporate responsibility and environmental management for a number of years. For the past 10 years, the FT has supported campaigning organisations such as Business in the Community and the International Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum to bring their work to a wider audience. The FT has also teamed up with Dorling Kindersley to publish Everybody's Business, a practical handbook that helps managers to put corporate social responsibility on the mainstream business agenda.
Dorling Kindersley has also developed a special relationship with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) publishing books to raise awareness of the UN's Convention of the Rights of the Child. Our recent publication, A Life like Mine, explores the Rights of the Child through the eyes of 20 children around the world.

Through our Longman brand, our education business is very active in HIV and AIDS awareness. Since 1997 Longman has published a range of books for a spectrum of age groups which tackle HIV/AIDS and the issues surrounding it in an open and compelling way. The programme includes the Sara series, the product of a major research project undertaken by UNICEF on the empowerment of the girl-child in Africa. These materials not only address the cultural and economic real-life issues that affect adolescents in Africa, but also focus on developing critical life skills.
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