Environment As a business based on ideas, our direct environmental impact is limited, but we are committed to understanding the effect we have and to setting targets for managing and reducing our impact. | |
Reducing our impact Where we do have a more significant impact is in the production and distribution of our books, magazines and newspapers. These products use paper and inks and are packaged for transportation around the world. We recognise that we must work with the suppliers who provide us with the paper, production services and the distribution capacity we need to get our ideas into the hands of our customers.
Our most visible environmental impact is through our use of paper and was, therefore, a particular priority for us during 2003. Following consultation with many of our paper buyers, paper suppliers and other groups, Pearson adopted a policy statement that sets out the guidelines we follow when purchasing paper. We started a programme of review visits with key suppliers and developed an approach to help us better understand the source and origin of the wood used. As part of this focus, Pearson has become a member of the WWF 95+ Group, a partnership between businesses and the conservation organisation WWF working together on the issue of responsible purchasing policy for paper. As a member of the group, Pearson will have access to information and practical guidance on responsible paper sourcing issues. Environment Policy Our Environment Policy was adopted in 1992. It was fully rewritten in 2000 and will be further reviewed this year to reflect our increased focus on supply chain issues. The Pearson Environmental Review 2003 is published on the company website. This now covers 95 of our buildings (up from 69 in 2002) and ranges over 14 countries where we have a significant presence (12 in 2002). The environment review covered 85% of our workforce (71% in 2002). The usage of electricity and gas per employee fell by 4% and per square metre by 8% in 2003, compared to our targeted reduction of 5%. We also met our commitment to remove all halon from buildings in our European operations by the end of 2003. The company's air travel was reduced by 17% compared to 2002. More information on Pearson environmental impacts, targets and commitments are available at: |
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More info: www.pearson.com/community/envr.htm |
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