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Our products Our most significant social impacts arise directly from our core purpose as an education and information company. Our products play an important part in helping people to learn and get on in their lives.

In our education business in particular, we are developing a growing base of research into the educational value of our products. Here are some examples.
Learning to read and count We have partnered with the Waterford Institute, a not-for-profit organisation, to deliver the Waterford Early Reading programme. This unique computer-based instruction, based upon a decade of intensive study by top educators, adapts to an individual user's learning pace, regardless of primary language or pre-literacy exposure. Each level provides daily instructional activities, as well as a library of take-home materials. It requires just 15 minutes each day and students are provided with immediate feedback to help direct and motivate them.

The programme has been formally assessed in schools
and districts and studies show it is extremely effective in preparing young children to learn to read. Most notably, the programme brings the lowest performers in a class to reading competency and is highly effective in helping non-English speaking children assimilate the English language more quickly. We have recently launched the Waterford Math and Science programme which mirrors the proven approach of the reading programme.
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Read Together, Talk Together Research shows that children show greater language gains when they actively participate in the reading experience. In partnership with the US National Center for Learning Disabilities, we have developed Read Together, Talk Together, a reading programme which encourages integrated dialogue between adult and child. The programme includes picture books designed by Dorling Kindersley, classic children's books from Penguin and teacher and parent training materials including videos and prompt cards.
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Measuring success For over 30 years, educators in the US have been using our SuccessMaker courseware to increase student achievement. There is an increasing demand for accountability and results reflected by President Bush's 'No Child Left Behind' education act. SuccessMaker provides elementary courseware in reading, arts, maths and English language and bilingual development available online. The courseware is aligned to district and national standards and teachers can measure student achievement through reports and performance data.
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LessonLab In 2003 we extended our commitment to teacher professional development when we acquired LessonLab, a pioneer in education research and technology. LessonLab was founded by Dr James Stigler, director of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study, which videotaped and analysed teaching practices in more than 1,000 classrooms around the world. Through LessonLab's software, teachers can apply this research base to their own teaching methods.
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